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3 yrs

Small to Medium

I can live with older children

I would prefer to live in a suburban area

I can live with some dogs

I don’t do cats

I need medium walks

Thai mixed breed

About Me

Hello, my name is Aster. I am like a butterfly:  My a gentle soul and delicate nature make me a sensitive and loving companion, and a special one, that is!

Before I came to LAW, I was living a tumultuous life on the streets. That means, sometimes I am still a little wary about my surroundings. Deep down, I know that I am now finally safe, but please forgive me if it takes me a moment to trust you.

Being cared for is new to me and I can not believe yet how lucky I am to finally lead a life without fear!

What Makes Me Special

I might seem a bit shy at first, but honestly, I am just as curious about the world as I am careful!

Other dogs are okay when I trust them, but I dream of having my human all to myself. And of course, having a human in general!

I can only hope to be lucky enough to have someone to love one day.

My deepest wish is a loving family that can cater to my needs. I promise to shower you in all the love and attention in return!

Psst.. did you know I give GIANT gentle kisses? That’s what you have coming, if you choose to let me be part of your life.

Maybe you could be the one for me?

Why am I Here at Lanta Animal Welfare?

I am a true warrior! When I was brought into LAW, I had a gnarly and deep cut on my front leg.

At one point, I even heard the doggie doctors talk about having to do something called an ‘amputation’. That sounded scary! Luckily, thanks to the love and care of the team, I was able to make a complete comeback.

I am now stronger in spirit than ever and so happy to be given a second chance at life!